And now, on a lighter note.

Sep 03, 2005 00:12

The day's minutiae, which I post pretty rarely but bear attention.

We have a brand spankin' new full-size futon, which my lovely girlfriend managed to singlehandedly lug upstairs and assemble. I haven't yet sat on it in its couch configuration, but it's way comfortable as a daybed, far brighter than the purple velvet couch it has replaced (thank you, Amy, for buying that back -- really, thank you), and infinitely more cat friendly. It has also been enjoyably test-driven. If you know what I mean. And I think you do.

Visited Les at the hospital. For anyone who knows her but was out of the loop, she spent six straight hours vomiting uncontrollably and was taken to St. Vincent on Tuesday. So far, all of the various tests they've done have come back negative (we think this is a good thing), and she'll be able to go home as soon as she can keep down fluids (hopefully tomorrow). I spent about an hour and a half with her, and while she's still shaky and looped on meds, she's doing a lot better than she has been. Highlights included a cup of tea that didn't immediately resurface, a totally half-assed tarot reading (my first attempt, solely for humor's sake, which has probably convinced I'm a crazy lesbian fruitcake), me putting her to sleep by reading The Sorceror's Stone aloud, and a little fifty-foot stroll (with IV for balance). If anyone wants to visit her, call me and I'll give you her phone number there.

Leah and I had what may be the last of our Friday dates (as she's starting grad school and I may be changing schedules). It was fun. We walked several miles, I bought secondhand designer ass jeans (Diesel, to her firm approval; under $30, to mine), ate mediocre but satisfactory Indian food, talked about many important and/or amusing things, watched an episode of early Buffy (oh, the after-school special soundtrack), and I immobilized her for twenty-five minutes with the power of my head-rubbing and then bragged about it. The director of the agency I worked at also emailed me, on her first day back from an extended medical leave, to let me know she's still very serious about transferring me to the new position and that she'll be meeting with me as soon as possible. It's nice to know that I was a high enough priority to get first-day contact; I hadn't expected that.

I hope you all had good days, too.
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