May 11, 2006 11:24

*Since it's near YEAR in non-production, the DRAMA LLAMA IS BACK! With more cheese than ever! In a new box!*

*Previously on The Drama Llama: Bucky the dear appears and boosts our ratings by 53.789 percent. Joey starts to sing a song about telling Tina something and Tina arrives on the spot and asks what he needs to tell her. OH THE SUSPENSE.*


The last time we were with our characters Joey was in the restroom singing and Tina seemed to appear out of nowhere and ask what Joey had to tell her. Let's zoom in on the action now as the awkward situation unfolds.

Joey: uh...uh....
Tina: Well Joey, what is it?
Joey: Well you see, I was just going to tell you-
Tina: Yes?
Joey: I was going to tell you that, um, I was in the Bahama's three years ago and this indian rag doll came to life and was stalking me making my vacation very uncomfortable, but then I sat down and had a decent conversation with it and it was very articulate and we had a great time for the remainder of my trip and we still keep in touch via ham radio. And don't do drugs.
Tina: What does that have to do with anything?
Joey: I don't know, I forgot where I was going with the whole story so I just ended it with a moral.
Tina: You're a big fat JERK you know that?
Joey: I'm not fat, I only way 127 pounds... much less than you I'm sure.
*Audience GASPS in shock. That's your que. Gasp.*
Tina: I absolutely HATE you! Well, hate's a strong word cause I don't really hate anyone, but I severely dislike what you've done and what you've said to me becauseyoujustdon'tknowhowmuchyoustinkin'hurtmyfreakingfeelings!
Joey: Uh.... yes?
Tina: *storms out of door.*
Joey: Billy? You still there?
*10 minutes later.*
Billy: *enters room* OH MAN! I MISSED IT? I totally wanted to see you guys fight so I went to make some popcorn with my vacuum but I took too long. Crap poop.
Joey: HEY! I thought I told you not to say those words. EspECIALLY not under the circumstances.
Billy: Oh yeah. You're in the bathroom. I've got a joke for you...

*We will leave immature Billy to his bathroom humor. Let's catch up with Tina and Rachel back at the ranch.*

Tina: *sobs*
Rachel: What's the matter?
Tina: Well you see.. I was over at Jo-
Rachel: SHHHH! I'm watching Days of Our Lives. I didn't know you'd actually TELL me what's the matter. Goodness. It's a figure of speech. Go play in traffic or something.
Tina: I...I....Wow. The sadness that was inside me was balanced out by the anger that welled up just now. I'm really happy all of a sudden. I think I'll go play in the road now. Thanks Rachel! *leaves room*
Rachel: Wow, Llama's are really strange.

*Meanwhile, Bucky drives down the street in his brand new Dodge Ram with his friend John Deere.*

Bucky: So John, how do you like the new car?
John: I think it's an amazing automobile Bucky. Really suits your eyes.
Bucky: Thank you John.
John: You're welcome Bucky.
Bucky: You know what John?
John: I love you too Bucky.
Bucky: How swee- WAIT!
John: I mean love not in THAT way... but in the way that when a man looks at a lone sun ray on the bank of a grassy knoll with the dandelions swaying in the breeze.
Bucky: What the poo is a knoll and what's with all the weird talk?
John: I don't know I was just watching Oprah.
Bucky: Ah. That explains it.
John: Yes. Yes it does.
Bucky: H'orderve?
John: Why thank you.
Tina: NOOOOOOO!!!!
Bucky: *slams on breaks.*
Bucky: I didn't even hit you!
Tina: I know, but I felt like saying that.
John: Pshh. Llama's. Can't live with them, can't run them over without feeling remorse.
Bucky: So true.
Tina: You're hot.
John: Who's hot?
Bucky: I'm hot idiot.
John: Well so am I.
Bucky: But I'm OBVIOUSLY the one she's talking too.
Tina: I just realized something.
John: What's that?
Bucky: I'm hot.
Tina: No. How can you drive?
Bucky: That's a good question. I don't have thumbs to grip the wheel with. In fact I don't have any fingers either. Plus my posture is QUITE unnatural in this seat.
John: Indeed.
Tina: Quite.
Bucky: I concur.

*Meanwhile barrelling down the road and 400 dollars per second...*

Everyone: JOEY?
*Theme music starts to play... Chariots of Fire... Bum bum bum bum bum bummmmmm bum bum bum bum bummmm*
Joey: Tina! Are you okay? How are you?
Tina: I'm fine.
Bucky: I agree.
Tina: What?
Bucky: I agree that you're fine. See, what I did there was I switched "fine" as in "ok" to "fine" as in "hot."
John: OH! Hahaha. I get it.
Joey: Let's get away from these idiots.
Tina: OK!
Joey: Ok.
Bucky and John: ok.
Joey: Ok. Where are we going?
Joey: Ok, but you decide. I can't, for I am extremely indecisive.
Tina: UGH! I don't know if I could ever date you because of your indecisiveness!
Tina: Lets sing a song about it.
Joey: Ok.
Soundman: Is that on track 3 or 4?
Joey: 4 I think.
Soundman: *hits music* *Bass drum pumps out BA BA BA BA* *Electric guitar comes in with massive sweep arpeggio blblblblblblblblbleeeeblblblbblblbeeeEEeeeeee!*
Joey: 3! 3! Go to 3!
Soundman: Aww. But I like that song.
Joey: Tough.
Soundman: How's this? *piano arpeggiates 4 octaves of C*
Joey: Nice.
Tina: Joey... I need to tELLLL you something.
Joey: Then tell me Tina.
Tina: I WILL TELL!!!!
Tina: OKKKKK!!!!
Joey: ANYTIME NOW!!!!!!
Joey: stop the music. *music stops*
Tina: I WILL TELLLL- wait, why'd you stop the music?
Joey: IBS. It's killing me. But I'll brb.
Tina: What the poo is brb?
Joey: DON'T TALK ABOUT POO! Sorry. I lost my temper.
Tina: It's Okay.
Joey: I know.
Tina: So what's this brb you speak of?
Joey: Lol, it means be right back.
Tina: What's lol?
Joey: ROTFL, it means laugh out loud.
Tina: And rotfl?
Joey: BAIGL, It means rolling on the floor laughing.
Tina: What's baigl?
Joey: It's what I had for lunch.
Tina: That's BAGEL.
Joey: What's bagel?
Tina: UGH! I HATE YOU... well... not really HATE, butmorelikeseverelydislikecauseof-
Joey: ENOUGH. Let's just end this silly game Tina. I..I....I-CHOOOO!
Random Taxi Cab Driver: Hey, you didn't pay me fifty bucks earlier!
Joey: OH! I GOTTA GO TINA! I'll tell you later! *runs off*
Tina: OH NO!
Billy: OH NO!
Rachel: OH NO!
Random Taxi Cab Driver: OH NO!
Yoko Ono: OH NO!


Will Joey EVER tell Tina that he loves her. Will Tina ever tell Joey that she loves him? Will the Random Taxi Cab Driver who only had 2 lines get his money? Will Yoko Ono come back for another episode? Find out next time in.... THE DRAMA LLAMA!!!

*Cheesy theme song.*
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