hope we last:)

Jul 26, 2005 20:34

well the past few days have been okay. . . first off i just got back from braeside like 2 days ago, and i had fun there,but some parts of it where boring but mosty fun i would have to say, i wanna go back next year:)

well i havn't been hanging out with devon much latly cas he seems to be busy all the time, well i guess this time i can understand why he can't hangout... hes working on his bathroom,weird. . . well neways the past 2 days i havn't really gone out side and i havn't really talked to anyone in person for about 45 to 50 hours, well besides my mom and my sister,but i mean my friends. . . i hope tomorrow i can do something, maybe not with devon cas i know for sure he prolly wont be able to do anything with me again,even though i really wanted to go to the movies with devon before he goes up to matts cottage for a week. . well if me and him don't hangout tomorrow maybe me and zarah can do something, or i can sit at home all day again and watch movies,witch i don't mind doing... all though its alittle lonely sometimes but meh... haha today i watched James in the giant peach,also i watched Toy story.... i havn't watched thoughs movies in like forever so i thought today might be a good day to catch up on my old kids movies....

well i hope tomorrow wont start off as bad as it did today...
i was praying to god like i should be doing everyday but i don't:S well neways i was praying, and one of the things i was praying for is for the rain to stop so then maybe i could ride my bike over to devons house or he could ride over here,and the rain did stop like 10mins after and i was happy so i called devon to see if we were going to hangout today,and he said no...and i hate that but what could i do... this is really wierd it started to rain again like 5 mins after that. . .maybe cas there was no point in it to stop raining if me or devon didn't have to ride are bikes over to eachothers house. . . so i got over that sorta... i talked to myself for a bit cas i was about to do something, but i don't wanna say,even though devon said i should call him if i ever feel the need to do what i was gunna do. . . sorry for not calling you about it devon,i didn't think i should call you and bug you again well you were working on your bathroom. . . well i got so mad at myself for thinking i shouuld do what i was about to do again,so i punched my bedroom wall really hard like 10 times, the first 3 times i hit the wall it hurt,but then my hand sorta last feeling in it after the 10th time.... i think i should end this here cas i have given you enough to read... i'll prolly write more tomorrow, or later tonight. . . bye
P.S. hope to hangout with you soon devon <3
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