The reason I have a "blathering" tag

Nov 13, 2011 23:20

In case you were holding your breath, NaNoWriMo has officially become So, How Much Do I Write in a Month, Anyway? (SoHoMuDoIWriMo?)  Thus far it's a (comparatively) measly 9,412 words, though I hope to get in some more tonight.  Most of that has gone into two bits of original fiction, one of which is just... not working and will almost certainly end up on the scrap heap.  But they are WORDS THAT I WROTE, dammit, so they count.  According to NaNo stats, I've written an average of 724 words a day, which is not so bad.

How glad am I to have finished Turnabout Intruder?  So glad I don't know what to do with myself.  No, really.  I'll take suggestions.  Also, I can now bug other writers to finish their WIPs without being a giant hypocrite, yay!  ::cough cough celibate!Zach fic cough::

Semagic needs to get its shit together and let me view the history of my posts, because right now I can't update my Master List or interlink the parts of Turnabout Intruder.  Or rather I could try through regular ol' LJ, but it always fucks up my formatting.  Which is why I have Semagic.  :oP  If anyone knows of another way to edit past posts (easily -- remember I'm very lazy), let me know.

writerly ponderings, blathering, nanowrimo

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