FIC: ST RPS -- Turnabout Intruder in My Pants (Master Post)

Nov 12, 2011 23:18

Title: Turnabout Intruder in My Pants (Master Post)
Author: the_deep_magic
Pairing: Pinto
Rating: NC-17 overall
Word Count: 22,791
Warnings: crack, overused fandom trope, see individual parts for more specific warnings
Disclaimer: so very, very untrue
Summary: When Chris wakes up one Monday morning, he's definitely not where he should be...
A/N: To those of you who took a chance on a WIP and stuck it out this long, thank you.  Let it be known that I finish what I start... even if it takes a year.  For those new to this fic, welcome; pretend it was all written overnight.  Eternal gratitude to ewinfic, my tireless cheerleader.  This is dedicated to the ladies and gentleman of Beanfests '10 and '11.  May there be many more.

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday / Sunday / Next Tuesday

Or read it here at AO3.

rps, turnabout intruder, pinto, fic

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