Always Look on the Bright Side of Life ...

Sep 15, 2005 13:49

OK, first of all I'd like to thank my new friend rokukitty for my spiffy new icon. I felt it was time for a more upbeat icon although I have not changed my personal political views in the least. I've titled it, "Skywalker, Dirty Talker".

Now, for much meme goodness.

First, debxena tagged me to do the 20 random facts meme. Here goes.
1. I had my first orgasm at age 10.
2. I have always wanted to be a ballerina.
3. My first dog was named Sidney.
4. I used to collect cats (then unicorns).
5. I had a pet spider at the age of 3.
6. I have always wanted to ride in a Hot Air Balloon.
7. I would wear a dress every day for the rest of my life if I could.
8. I would like to be able to wear a costume whenever I want to (ie a hoop skirt to work or a tutu to the grocery store).
9. I would definately do the above if I had the clothing mentioned.
10. I spent most of my childhood alone and lonely.
11. I could read before I was 6 months old.
12. I have never forgiven my mom for not letting me see Roy Orbison in concert.
13. I have never eaten Cheerios.
14. I have turned down sex with a king.
15. I would like to just "chuck it all" and move to Australia (or NZ) but I'm too scared.
16. I have been homeless.
17. I was raped twice.
18. Fact #13 & 17 are related.
19. I haven't spoken to a member of my family for over 12 years.
20. I have no idea if my father is dead or alive and frankly don't care.

OK, since that was not entirely positive. I have been tagged to say at least three positive things happening in my life currently.

1. Thanks to LJ, I have more friends now than I ever have in my life and that makes me incredibly happy.
2. Even though I have been unemployed for almost three years, I am experiencing the most job satisfaction of my life this year.
3. I have DVR and I may never miss another TV program or movie that I want to see again.

I'm supposed to tag people to spread the above but I think I know most of you well enough to know that those of you who want to will and those who don't wont. I therefore tag you each with the free will to chose whether you want to or not.

That is all.


costumes, trauma, meme, sexuality, clothing, sadness, scars, my past, thank you

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