Question Me an Answer ...

Sep 14, 2005 16:28

A few more things. First of all, here are last week's riddle and this week's riddle.

A table you won't sit at,
With nobles on one side.
Gold and silver on it,
That none can steal or hide.
He and I are there to find -
A universal guide.

There’s light at the end of a tunnel
Which no car will ever drive through.
Instead it is stuffed full of cells
And may provide a much better view.

You can guess or get hints here.

Now, on to theater. This past weekend, beldar & I saw "Bull in a China Shop" at Epilogue and "Three Men Naked From the Waist Down" at The Alley (who really need to update their site). Both shows were very cute and Three men had some amazing acting in it. I was really impressed by the production. I especially liked Bull because we saw it instead of the Civic's production of "Annie Get Your Gun". Occasionally that fact that beldar has to work on Friday nights can be advantagous.

We're supposed to preview a movie tomorrow night (not sure what) and then this weekend's show (only one!) is Inherit the Wind at the IRT. I think perhaps a Pastafarian celebration may be in order afterwards. Olive Garden does have it's "Never-ending Pasta Bowl" going on right now.

That's it for today. MEME tags to be fulfilled tomorrow (I hope).


play review, riddles, food, fsm, links

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