His Veins Burned Like Gasoline ...

May 06, 2014 20:16

So, apparently over the weekend Oklahoma reportedly "botched" an execution. Now to me, a botched execution would result in the victim not dying. However, the press claimed it was "botched" because they thought that the victim might have felt some pain during it.

Now, let's discuss this matter.

First of all, the victim was a convicted rapist, robber and murder. Amongst his offenses was shooting a 19-year old girl and then burying her alive in a shallow grave in which she eventually perished. He's not exactly a compassionate or relatable kind of guy and certainly not someone you would want to know or have living near you.

Secondly, He was killed by lethal injection. A method that is laughable at best in that to perform it you are breaking multiple laws. It can only be done by a doctor and he is legally bound to not perform a medical procedure that is intended to kill another person. After all this is a good part of what got Kevorkian locked up.

Thirdly, lethal injection is by far the most humane and painless method of execution that exists. I mean, all this man did was moan & twitch and not for even that long either. After all, the other options are the electric chair, hanging, firing squad, and the gas chamber. So, a moan and a twitch is more agonizing choice than any of these other options? I'm just not seeing how.

So, the man was convicted. He was sentenced to death. He was executed and he died. I'm honestly not seeing how that's a botched execution, it seems to be the very definition of an execution.

Now, I have no illusions that this stance on such a volatile issue is going to be controversial and may lose me some readers/friends. But I think the hypocrisy of the arguments needs to be addressed. Regardless of how you feel about the legality of the death penalty, it exists, it is used, and in some cases it is the only outcome that will ease the suffering of and/or bring justice to many of those affected by these crimes.

I do welcome gentle discussion here but any attacks one way or the other against anyone commenting (or myself) will not be tolerated.

This has been my entry for this week's therealljidol topic: Yes, and. I hope you enjoyed reading it and it causes you to really examine your own feelings as well as the other side of the issue no matter where you stand.


hypocricy, lj idol, death, justice, execution, volatile, controversy, prison, beliefs

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