One Thing Leads To Another ...

Jun 03, 2013 21:56

I know I keep saying with each post that I'm going to try to post more often and each day that passes just reminds me that I still have yet to do so. I think some of what's stopped me from this is that almost all of the posts in this journal were made from a work computer prior to the start of work that day (or at lunch or break but still, at work). The main reason for this was that in order for beldar to get to his work on time, the alarm had to be set so early I was at my workplace at least 30-45 minutes early each day so I had the time and ability to do that. However, once I was let go from the sorority, this was much harder to do but I did it as best I could.

However, when his work schedule changed to evenings, it became almost impossible. First of all, because I had a horrible wreck on his first night on that schedule which screwed a lot of things up in a lot of ways. Added to this is the fact that I spent a lot of time unemployed and thus really didn't have much to say. Plus, I had two job placements that were so horrible and abusive that I ended up in a year-long depression that was just made worse by the fact that I ran out of Cymbalta and am only now working to get back on it.

I am honestly trying my hardest to get my life back in line and maybe I can get back into the habit of posting here in order to give me some sort of footing & support group to keep me on an even keel. I've come off of two temp assignments which have kept me working for the past eight months. While the first assignment was decent work, I had to put up with a hateful, bitch who was constantly criticizing and belittling me.

However, the assignment I had after that was sheer heaven. They loved me. Heaped me with praise. Were beyond impressed with my work performance & ethic and were wonderful to work for. Also, the location was much closer to home and was a much less stressful commute (even during the worst winter weather). Unfortunately, that assignment has now come to a very sad end.

Sometime around 3PM or so on Monday May 13th, I had a HUGE seizure during my workday and ended up in the hospital until that Thursday. Apparently, my Atrial Fibrillation (which I was treated for in July of 2008) had returned and they had to Cardio-invert me again. It went well (again) and I seem to be doing fine but will need more monitoring to insure things stay that way. Needless to say, the company called in & cancelled my contract on that Friday ending my employment with them.

Now, before you start thinking too many bad thoughts about them for this move, I was almost through with all of the work they had hired me to do. Also, they were having a lot of internal issues which were making me start to update my resume anyway because a lot of things were shakier than they really should have been. They did give me an amazing recommendation though and I am getting some possible work calls due to it.

So, now I'm out there looking for work and trying to get medical aid to cover my health needs & meds. Also, beldar's car broke down during this time so he's using mine and that has made it slow going for all of this with him working an opposite schedule than I would be.

On the upside, one of the myriad of "sketchy tail" that the landlord's been cycling through, is fixing his car so once it's back up & running, I will be able to accept a job. I am getting calls & interviews. So far, nothing's actually come through but I feel it's only a matter of time & it may be the universe waiting until the car situation is resolved. I should have no problem getting the medical stuff taken care of but it's a lot of work to get done and discouraging to do. Still, I'm going to make it through.

On the downside, I'm not getting unemployment because the state are being total dicks about everything and have screwed me out of it for the past two years. Still, I'm jumping through their hoops as well and should be employed again before I would finally be able to start collecting.

So, that's what's been going on with me. I hope all is well with you all out there. That is, the few of you that are left here and are actually likely to come across this post & read it. I really do miss the heydays of this journal and would like to see them come back again. But that's partly up to me and I will do my best to keep up with my part of the bargain.

More again soon. I have lots of fun challenges ahead of me and I think that chronicling them here may be what I need to get me through.

Love to you all and I will try to post again tomorrow.


depression, unemployment, car repair, money, stress, work, health

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