(no subject)

Mar 25, 2013 18:33

Well, things are going pretty well currently. Even though we were hit by a Snowpocalypse last night, I managed to make it to work on time and safely. Only one or two really scary moments. It does help that I have a route navigated that has no overpasses on it. I did take a wrong turn at one point and almost had to do an overpass but the road was just too treacherous and I was able to turn back and correct myself without losing too much time.

I'm back to my more normal duties again. I've been working on auditing & reconciling all of the insurance premium deductions from last year. This is a huge job because the company I'm working for does payroll for numerous other companies. I really love doing this sort of work and am going to really hate when it's done.

However, I'm being trained on more and more of D's job duties and I get the feeling that I may end up taking over her position if I get hired. She took over the position last August and everything was in such a pathetic state that she is still working to get everything caught up & current from then. She transferred down from another department & I know she missed her old position & her friends there so I'm thinking they might be working on training me to do her job & let me take over it so she can go back to her old position. Here's hoping!

The weekend was interesting. We spent much of Saturday shopping & searching all over town for the elusive (and probably imaginary) White Chocolate Carrot Cake M&M's. These are a Wal-Mart exclusive item and even thought the website says that most all of the stores around our town have them in stock, they all have been sold out for weeks (if they even got them in the first place). I really am annoyed about this because they sound absolutely amazing and I really want to try them.

Since Sunday was Palm Sunday I had to stay home from church (for those of you who don't know, I'm allergic to Palm pollen). I spent the time watching Parade's End. My God, this show could not have been any slowed if you ran it frame by frame. It's very British in story & pacing and I was only watching it because I like Benedict Cumberbatch & adore Tom Stoppard. Still, it was really tedious overall and I can't imagine suffering through the book.

Speaking of watching shows because of the writer, I've DVRed "Phil Spector" & will let you know how that one is. It's not based on any book so Mammet can let himself shine through in the material. Here's to hearing all those four-letter words he adores.

So, that's what's going on with me. I hope all of you out there are doing well and I will talk with you again sometime soon.


writing, tv, food, work, frustrations, movies, theater

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