(no subject)

Dec 02, 2010 12:35

So, it snowed yesterday. Not too much, just enough to give the landscape a light powdered sugar dusting but still, it was snow. Originally, beldar & I were supposed to go out to Conner Prairie (a local 1800's-themed interactive historical museum) to check out a sneak preview of a new exhibit that they're working on. However, with the snow and traffic problems from it (Hoosiers panic at the first flake and forget how to drive entirely), we decided not to go. It also doesn't help that the soles of beldar's new shoes are completely shredded (this is from crappy manufacturing and not weird usage on his part).

Anyway, this meant that I could go downtown early and sign my paperwork for the new job. That way I didn't have to hassle with searching for parking. On the way back from this we stopped for lunch at a local Mexican place and say the following item on the menu: "Vegetarian Ceviche". WTF?!?? That's just salsa! I mean really.

In other news, last night was the Indy Knights annual Christmas party (or as I like to call it, gift haul for the nieces/nephews). It was a huge lot of fun and I am once again going to be lauded as being the kewl aunt in that I got an amazing giftie for the eldest of my adorable nieces. I was also glad that the gift I brought was very popular. In fact, when one person tried to steal it back from the person who took it from him earlier he only relented because that stealer's young child started crying hysterically at the thought of losing it. What I brought was an M&Ms bank with a Darth Vader M&M on top. I filled it with dark chocolate peanut M&Ms so that it was filled with "The Dark Snack".

Tonight is pretty much free and tomorrow night is the big Whoosier Network Christmas party. This weekend is also our Indy Holiday tradition of Saint Nikolas Fest. I have been helping with it since we moved here and have been setting up the cookie room & cutting the stollen each year and it now is so second nature that it goes very quickly. I really enjoy this event each year and I am very excited to be helping out with it again.

Also, since the weather has taken a seemingly permanent turn for the colder, I have broken down and turned the heat on. It's still only set at around 60-65 but it is on.

So, that's what's going on in my life. I hope everyone out there is staying warm & doing well. I will talk to you again soon.


doctor who, weather, star wars, job search, work, fun

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