(no subject)

Feb 09, 2010 09:51

The Snowpocalypse has returned. About 4 inches now and at least that much more to come. Even though yesterday was clear, we had almost no traffic. I didn't have a single customer all day and we ended up closing an hour early due to lack of customers. Today & tomorrow will likely be the same. At least I'm catching up on my reading.

On a more somber note. I wanted to talk about something that I've been reflecting on a lot lately. Today is senoritamono's birthday. Normally I go to my friend's journals on their birthday and leave them a message about it. However, as you'll notice since her name is struck through, her journal has been purged. I bring this up because if she does still have a new journal, I do not know what it is and I really liked her as a friend here and miss that I can't keep in touch with her anymore. Sadly, she's not the only one that I have lost touch with but just the one that I can use for an example right now. Now, this is mostly my fault because I have not kept up with my friends list as I should have. I am greatly sorry for that and I plan to do my best to try to remedy that situation. It would be easier if I had access to LJ at work but I do plan to do my best to try to read your journals more often. I really feel badly for seemingly abandoning you all and not holding up my part of our relationship. I will do my best to try to once again become the sort of friend I think you all deserve.

So, that's it for me. I will talk to you again soon.


birthday, snowpocalypse, weather, sadness, friends, work, friendship

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