Am I Blue ...

Feb 08, 2010 09:40

Not too much to say today. I'm pretty solidly ill right now. I'm hoping to kick it as quickly as possible but until then, I'm a miserable, phlegmy mess.

Needless to say, I am disappointed in the Colts' loss in the Superbowl. Still, it was a very good game and the Saints out-played us solidly throughout the second half. The commercials were lousy overall. Only a couple were really good and the majority of them were sexist and just generally bad. I would like to say that I actually liked the Emerald Nuts commercial. Even though they eschewed their traditional "EN" style, it was just as cute and typical of their past offerings.

We have managed to survive the weekend's Snowpocalypse but they are predicting another 3-5 inches tomorrow and worse on Wednesday so I have a feeling that I'm gonna be really done with the snow before the end of the week.

So, that's it for me. I hope you're all doing well. I will talk to you again soon.


super bowl, snowpocalypse, weather, funny, football, health

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