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Jul 27, 2009 11:10

Before I get to the weekend wrap-up. I want to wish a very Happy Birthday to jmaynard. FOr those of you out there who don't immediately recognize the name, he is the infamous "Tron Guy of internet and South Park fame. He's always at Pengicon and a really great guy all around. So go over to his journal right now and give him your best wishes and friend him if you'd like.

Now, for the weekend wrap-up. Friday evening's dinner went nicely. The cake tastes delicious even though my frosting was totally a failure. After dinner, we went gathered up the few props we still needed for the movie (I totally forgot to get things together when I was out earlier in the day) then headed over to the IMA for the movie. The line and crowd was enormous. It was quite daunting. However, anjala was first in line so we called her to save us some room next to her. This turned out badly though because defixione was with her and didn't want us sitting with them. Drama ensued and we ended up sitting pretty much directly in the middle of the venue. We still had a great time.

Saturday was very good even though I hit my head extremely hard getting into the car (I was still pretty sleep deprived from being up so late for the movie the night before). I'm okay but it's still a bit sore and swollen. friendstephen & I went up to Noblesville to a small gun show and it was really nice. They had a very good selection for the size and I bought a really awesome knife.

After the show friendstephen had to go to a friend's party (where he apparently made a bit of a love connection) so he ran me home to meet up with beldar & astria and go out to Carnegie's in Greenfield for their Magic Dinner to celebrate astria's birthday. The dinner was wonderful and the show was really fun. We had talked to the magicians before hand and while they were working the tables prior to the show, one of them made astria's present appear from his napkin. It was a really great evening and I was glad that we could share it with a good friend.

On the drive home a car next to us had something suddenly fall off of the underside of their car sending up sparks and as we passed them it appeared that the car had been in a few accidents and needed to be put out of it's misery. It appeared to be pulling over so we really didn't give it any more thought until we got backed up by an accident a few miles down the road and who should come up to try to pass us, but "Sparky". It turned out that he was still on the road. Obviously determined to get home and was going the same way we were. We ended up following him part of the way but took another direction at one point and were again delayed by another accident. As we were about to get back on the road we needed to be on, who should pass us but Sparky again. We didn't see exactly where he turned off but he does live very close to astria, we do know that. It was a strange thing but made a good blog story.

Sunday was pretty uneventful. beldar went to church while I did laundry then we went out to dry it and get some groceries. Then back home to relax and watch TV but after the previous few days I really needed the rest.

This week looks to be pretty busy as well. Tomorrow night the band Green Jelly (aka Green Jello) who are most famous for their "Three Little Pigs" video, will be playing a show at Birdy's. We're looking forward to the show. I don't know if I'll see any of you but if you're going to be there let me know.

Wednesday night is a production of "Fiddler on the Roof" that we're supposed to see but I'm not really looking forward to it due to who they've cast in the lead. Eh, we'll see how I feel and if I go. Thursday we're tentatively scheduled to see the new Harry Potter movie (which I still haven't seen yet) at the IMAX downtown. Then is the weekend which is full and yet, ever-changing.

So that's what's going on in my life. How's yours? I hope you're all doing well and I look forward to talking to you again very soon. Much love to you all!


concerts, friends, funny, stress, food, link, health, birthday, video, theater

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