(no subject)

Dec 12, 2008 08:50

Sorry to freak everyone out yesterday. I was just really fed up and tired of everything. I think I finally managed to convince the temp agency that I seriously want the hell out. I made sure they understood that I was not leaving without another offer awaiting but they know that I could walk off at any time and not be hurting as I still have almost all of my unemployment and would not have too much trouble finding another job. Hell, the girl at the agency thought I hadn't gone into work yesterday as she called my home first. She said she wouldn't have blamed me for just staying home.

Of course, the bitch is walking around with a smug self-satisfied smile on her face all the time. Still, I'm really tired of being treated like shit. If I had wanted that I would have moved in with my dad after my mom died.

Anyway, I'm alright. I'm still employed and I'm not incarcerated (I couldn't go to jail anyway, masturbation is illegal there).

Thanks to everyone out there for all your concern. I just felt that I should post something yesterday and that was really all I could come up with.

I will post more later.


friends, stress, work

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