(no subject)

Nov 12, 2008 13:23

OK everyone, I ot my poll created. It's got a musical slant because lately we've been talking about songs & cell phone rings. I think that all my friends should customize my number so it plays "Everyone Knows it's Wendy" when I call. This would just be too uber-kewl.

With that said, a few people have asked me what their ring tones would be on my phone. This set me to thinking and the following poll emerged. I hope you enjoy it as much as I expect to.

***EDIT*** Please note that the first question is all about you but the rest are all about me. Feel free to explain your ring tone choice or share your own answers in the comments.

Poll Name that Tune

As for life, work's going okay for now. As for music, it looks like I'm taking anjala to go see Sam Harris with me. This means that beldar has an extra ticket for the Beef & Boards Christmas Show. If anyone out there is interested, let us know. However, be warned, it's really sucked pretty severely the last few years and it will likely be that was again this year (but you do get a free meal out of it).

So, that's it for me, I'll talk again tomorrow.


music, friends, question, theater, poll

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