(no subject)

Nov 11, 2008 18:09

OK, I finally got through to my temp agency. The bitch is complaining about me talking to my coworkers about her shit. If she wasn't constantly attacking me and not doing her work, I wouldn't be commiserating with them. At least they know that I want to get another position if the bitch won't go away. I hate that the boss can't see that if he would just get rid of the bitch, the whole department would run smoothly and we'd get more done.

Beyond that, things are going okay in my life. We got caught up on everything on the old DVR except for "Dexter". Since it's on pay TV, it'll repeat a million times so we're good there. Now we're watching the stuff on the new DVR.

I did have a great weekend though. I already posted about Friday but Saturday was also great. We hung out with friendstephen both before and after seeing "Rocky Horror". I dressed up a bit for the night with my new fishnet stockings. They really fit well and make me feel super sexy. I can't wait to wear them again.

Sunday was spent clearing off the DVR and packing up the Halloween decorations. Now we're in the sad time of the year before I can decorate for Christmas. Since it's so late in the month this year, I am going to break tradition this year and decorate the weekend before Thanksgiving. Especially since I am going to be having friends over to celebrate.

Speaking of celebration, I finally remembered to buy my tickets for the Sam Harris show on the 29th. I got two tickets but beldar has no clue who Sam Harris is or what he means to me. Therefore, if there's anyone out there who would appreciate seeing the show with me, please let me know. I'd love to see the show with another person who would appreciate it as much as I will.

I'm thinking about posting a poll tomorrow. I have some ideas but I'm not sure if I'll have time. Keep and eye out for that.

So that's about it for me. I'll talk to you again tomorrow.


concerts, music, bitchiness, holiday, friends, work, theater

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