Oct 21, 2008 11:50
The more I work, the more I begin to understand smoking. I still feel it's a disgusting and nasty habit but I do realize that it could really draw your focus away from the little frustrations of your life if only for a brief time.
I swear, as soon as I figure out how to do something, I find out that what I know is crap and that things are done totally different. Our processes here seem to change more often that the weather in Oklahoma. I am still consistently boggled by how my non-evil coworker seems to know everything about all of the processes even though she's only been here a few weeks longer than I have. I would love to have had the training she got. It seems that no matter how much I learn I am still totally at a loss for how to do things.
While this may not seem to be that much of an issue to most people, it really is hard for me because I hate making mistakes and since I lost my amazing memory abilities that I depended on for most of my life, it's really hard for me to store knowledge like I used to and I am often feeling like a complete idiot.
Okay, emo rant over. On to better stuff. Last night's event was great. Since I was there early, I worked the door. The only disadvantage to this was that I barely got to sample any of the wine or beer. However, this was probably good because I couldn't really eat much of the appetizers they had a I actually got a little tipsy at one point. I ended up sitting down because I was afraid I would fall down if I didn't. Still, the party was fun. The auction was exciting and I ended up helping to sell the final item. I do need to introduce them to the concept of "runners" for future ones.
We're taking tonight & tomorrow night off from the week's festivities in order to finish decorating the house and get some more cleaning done. Since our place is the logical location to end up at after the festival (and to park if you're planning to attend it) we need to be able to put people in it.
So, that's about it for me. I'll try to post something later if at all possible. Otherwise, I'll talk to you tomorrow.