(no subject)

Oct 20, 2008 13:23

Alright, full weekend update now. Friday night was spent at home watching some TV. beldar was having car trouble but he's okay to drive it until the part comes in to fix it so I didn't have to go to Greenfield as we thought I might.

Saturday was spent decorating the house and clearing off the DVR. We're all caught up on "Heroes", "Terminator", "House", "Kath & Kim" & "Fringe". I feel that there should be a few others but I can't think of them now. We still have a lot to clear off but we are making progress. I'm thinking about scrapping "Chuck" for the season & catching up on it when it's on DVD next summer.

I also watched the first two episodes of "Life on Mars" and the first one is identical to the British series but with better production values, bigger actors and a kick-ass soundtrack. However, the second on breaks quite a bit by becoming a traditional cop show and focusing on his predicament rather than the overall case that got him here in the first place. I'm not too enamored of the show but it is more watchable than the original.

Later in the afternoon, astria came over and we made a quick trip out to get some costume materials.

After he left so he could get the car back, we took off to see two shows. The first was Cold Blooded at Cold Spring: The Third Trial" which was a fun little romp through the Benjamin Harrison House in order to try to solve a murder. The audience plays the jury and meets many of the key players in the trial and gets to hear a lot of the original testimony given. At the end, they must render their verdict. Our jury ended up split(9-5) and since this was a Capitol offense, we had to be unanimous to render a verdict. Since our "foreman" was a girl of about 9 or so, she first said we had found her guilty. We then clarified things but the actress's reaction to the initial verdict was great, nevertheless. The show is really fun and even though you're paying to have "jury duty" it's still very enjoyable.

After that we scooted over to TotS for "Evil Dead:The Musical". OMG! that was so great! It was a laugh riot from beginning to end. Before the show started I (loudly) asked beldar if he had asked Ron how many rows back the blood squirted. The audience didn't take me seriously as we discussed it and that night they made it to the third row (their goal is to hit the back row before the show is over). Honestly, if you are in the Indy area and reading this, GO SEE THIS SHOW! The cast is great, the songs are really fun and it's just a bloody good time. I'd love to see it a couple more times during it's run, it was go fun.

Sunday was again spent clearing off the DVR, doing laundry and keeping an eye on the animals next door. Lucy, dog of the Devil has decided that we're both okay and was quite loving and sweet. Actually, all of the animals were great. We really enjoyed looking after them.

Well, that's it for today. I will talk to you again tomorrow.


neighborhood, play review, costumes, musical review, halloween, tv, animals, theater, tv review

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