(no subject)

Sep 26, 2008 12:50

last night we finally watched the last two episodes of "Fear Itself". I loved this show so much. I really hope that it could continue on some other network or something.

So, this weekend is the B Movie Celebration down in Franklin. I'd love to go but we really need to stay home and clean. Plus, they still haven't announced the schedule on the website and it starts today. If I knew what was playing tonight, I might go check it out.

Besides that, we have two plays this weekend that we need to see. Saturday night we're seeing "The Mystery of Edwin Drood" at Buck Creek. I can't wait to find out which ending we vote for. Also, Sunday we are going to try (for a third time) to see "Kitty, Kitty, Kitty" at TotS. Beyond that, church, cleaning and laundry, not much else is happening in our little world this weekend.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. It's LJ Idol time again and a lot of my friends are competing. In fact, I really don't have room to pimp them all here. However, since I share a bed with him, I can ask you to please vote for beldar this week. Due to the high numbers, they are broken down into tribes again. He's in tribe #5 (which seems to have most of the returning contestants).

So click on the button above and vote away,

That's it for me for today. I hope everyone has a great weekend.


tv, pimpage, movies, theater

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