(no subject)

Jul 29, 2008 12:37

OK, so apparently I totally fail at Coumadin. When I went in last week, I only registered 1.2 (that's only 0.1 higher than no Coumadin at all). They've upped my dosage for the week and we'll see how things are going next Monday at my doctor's appt. If I keep reacting like this they may have to switch to a different drug.

Last night's Lesbian Bible Study went very well. We had a lively discussion and got all caught up to where we should be.

Beforehand we had planned on going to Subway for dinner but the one near the church didn't have swiss cheese or a nutrition guideline so I could know what I could have (since my initial plans were thrown off). Luckily there was a Wendy's nearby and I can eat their baked potatoes so we were able to have dinner. I'm going to have to print out everyone's nutrition guides and keep them in the car from now on.

Speaking of food, on Friday we went to a cheap little chinese place near home before the show and I had a bunch of steamed rice a some baked mussels. When I was removing the meat from one of them a strange white bean-like object fell out. Upon closer inspection it turned out to be a tiny little crab that had obviously gotten grabbed up by the mussel but not eaten before it was harvested. What with my encounter with the small mantis the next day, it seemed that tiny creatures with exoskeletons were somehow attracted to me in a strange way.

And in other strange occurrences, in yesterday's email I found the following Spam subject line: "Berlusconi says Maoist commmunistss boiled babies". That almost made me want to read the thing.

Not much else really happening in my life right now. Although I do believe that tomorrow night is the "Pay-what-you-can" showing of "Murderers" at The Phoenix. It looks to be a hoot. Hopefully, some of you out there will make it to the show.

That's really it for me today. I will talk to you again tomorrow.


funny, lbs, food, animals, strange, theater, health

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