(no subject)

Jul 15, 2008 21:28

Hay everyone! It's me for reals this time. I've been able to get up and walk around today and was finally given some internets access. I'm here until tomorrow at least. They haven't been able to get my heart rhythm stabilized with meds so they are going to scope me and shock my heart (a reboot, if you will). This should put things back in order but it not, they might have to do it multiple times.

I promise to let you know how things are going (either myself or through beldar) as soon as I can.

I really appreciate all of the outpourings of love and caring from everyone. They really make all the difference in the world.

I received some nice surprises today. A lovely little blue bouquet from weeji & family and a bouquet made up to look like a beer, from fibro_witch. Plus, beldar brought me a sweet card.

It's nice to be loved and cared about by so many of you out there.

So, for a full update on the exact health situation, all of the asthma crap I've been suffering with for the past couple of months (coughing, wheezing, phlegm, shortness of breath, trouble sleeping, etc.) wasn't my asthma after all but my heart malfunctioning. So I've actually been suffering from this off and on since the beginning of April.

They don't know what caused the irregularity (my auricles are fluttering rather than pumping like they should be) and won't let me go until my heartbeat is back to a regular rhythm (due to the possibilities of clots and the complications from them).

As I've said, I'm feeling fine but am just trying to get my heartbeat normalized so that I can go home and get back to my life.

Luckily, I really did make a good impression at my temp job and they are holding my position for me until I get out. They know I will work overtime if necessary (but since they've been trying to keep up with me rather than me with them, that probably won't be necessary). It's nice to know that I am valued there. It makes me more sure that they intend to hire me as soon as they can (yeah!).

I got a call and visit from some of my lesbian bible study classmates (since I missed out on last night's meeting). They missed me and my outspoken attitude at last night's meeting. They're keeping me in their prayers (as are pretty much all of you out there) and those good vibes are surely what is helping me heal faster and keep everything positive.

I will say that this time's hospital visit is much better than any previous ones. I've had a lot of good reading material and decent TV (although I am one channel shy of getting SCIFI) plus calls and visits to keep me from being bored.

Well, I really should be getting to bed soon. I will talk to you all again soon. Love and kisses!


hospital, friends, lbs, health

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