Last night's Lesbian Bible Study went very well. We all had a good time discussing the stories and decided that one of the most important things to remember was: "Don't Be a Ho!" I really like our new approach to the materials. It's much more refreshing.
Tonight we are going to see a preview of a movie so expect me to post about that tomorrow.
Since my life has been rather dull, I think it's time for a bunch of fun links. Since Easter's over, now is the time to decide what to do with your leftovers so here are some fun Peeps related sites and ideas:
First of all, I give you
this year's and
last year's Peeps Diorama finalists. They are amazingly wonderful.
Which of course leads right into
Lord of the Peeps,
Peephenge and
Star Peeps.
Then of course there's
fun with Peeps,
Peep Haiku and
Now, if you don't really care for the things, you can always work out your aggressions with them via
Peeps From Hell,
Peeps and Fear,
Peeps research or just try
Cooking with Peeps. Just beware becoming a victim of
The Kamikaze Peep Squad.
I noticed that there don't seem to be any Doctor Who themed Peep entries. I guess we'll have to get together and work on that for next year.
So, that's it for me. I hope everyone out there enjoys the Peep Show I've given you.