(no subject)

Nov 20, 2007 10:02

My life is good once again. My hero, evansmj found the solution. Yea!!!!

My life can go on as normal again. Not that there's much to tell you. Since we are moving into temporary work digs in a few weeks, today and tomorrow are designated packing days. Whee! I've already gotten my space almost completely done. I do have a few things that I will not pack until the last minute but beyond that, I'm done. Then I get to help everyone else.

beldar has requested that I alert my friends to his holiday card appeal (complete with poll & clicky buttons). Please let us know if you'd like a card from us. We even have access to the special postmark from Santa Claus Indiana if you act quickly.

So, not much else happening. Thanksgiving is just a few days away. This year we're spending it with veronica_rich and her cat. We're bringing the turkey, donut bread pudding, sweet potato casserole, wine and maybe a few other things. She's covering the rest. Hopefully, she'll email us her address so that we can mapquest it soon (HINT, HINT).

I sent off the Christmas wish list to the family this morning so I'm mostly done with stuff. This weekend we'll decorate and then that's about it. Most of the shopping has already been done (we'll find out what's left this weekend).

I hope everyone else is doing well.


computer, holiday, happy, work

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