(no subject)

Mar 19, 2007 09:01

Well, this weekend was certainly interesting. Friday night we ran some errands and did some shopping then went home and watched TV. One of our errands on Friday was to go by the BMV and renew my car tags and while we were there, beldar left his coat behind. By the time we realized it, they had already closed so we had to get up early Saturday morning to retrieve it.

After retrieving his coat and getting breakfast, we went to Wally World to have them re-balance his tires because one of them was making a strange noise. This took forever. After they were finally done we ran home for a bit and then went out to have some Irish food and beer before seeing "The Full Monty".

However, the luck of the Irish was not with us. The place we went to didn't have the specials they advertised. However, we went ahead and hung out for some food and beer which was nice because the food they did have was wonderful. Afterwards, beldar dropped me off to get our tickets while he searched for parking (for some reason the biggest St. Patrick's party in town was being held at the German bar downstairs from the ACT. Well, when I got there the ticket booth was empty and the way to the ACT was blocked off. I then noticed that the signs for the show didn't have it opening until next week. So, when beldar finally made it there we realized we had the wrong night and went home again to watch some more TV.

Sunday went a bit better. We ran all of our necessary errands and got home at a decent hour. We watched more TV and I started to make dinner but after getting the filling ingredients for the Mexican Manicotti ready I found out that our manicotti shells were bad. So, I made beldar run out and get me some more (it took him two stops to find them). However, the recipe worked out well and tasted wonderful. I just need to either find a better pan to cook them in or find the smaller noodles I always used to use when I used to make this dish regularly.

Oh yeah, one of the things we watched on the DVR was a movie called, "Undead". It's a strange little Australian film that while very slow starting is a fun little zombie movie. However, it seems that Aussies don't have a lot of experience with zombies because it took them over half of the way through the film to figure out that you have to shoot them in the brain to kill them. Of course, beldar & I are singing this song during the whole thing. And the kick-ass zombie killing dude looked a lot like halfwaytocrazy. We called him up to tell him that his Aussie doppelganger had a great ass (there was a moment of brief butt nudity) but he was asleep. Luckily we didn't wake up the teething child or his wife would have killed us.

Anyway, that's about it for me for today. I may post later but the work load today is pretty large.


car, food, bmv, screwups, video, movie review, zombies, links

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