(no subject)

Feb 07, 2007 13:28

For some reason I just can't get going today. I'm guessing it's from yesterday's snow and the drive home. It normally takes me about 30 minutes or so to get home (on a good traffic day) but yesterday it took me over 100 minutes. We had 5 inches of show come down in about five hours and the roads were a mess. They weren't too crowded but they were just in bad shape. Plus, my wiper blades were covered in ice and I couldn't pull over to scrape it off of them so it was a really horrible drive.

I was planning to get my LJ Idol assignment turned in today but I just can't get it done. Anyway, if nothing else, I'd like to make sure to say Happy Birthday 

I hope things are going well on your side of the pond. Stay warm and cozy and maybe one of these days I'll get to see you again.

That's really it for me for the day. I'll post again tomorrow.


birthday, weather, car

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