(no subject)

Feb 06, 2007 07:51

Well, I survived the weekend pretty much unscathed. The Superbowl party went pretty well. There was lots of food and fun times. It was really great to finally meet nidoking and sakanagai.

I'm really happy. Now I just need to keep the place clean and then work on getting the rest of the house in order and all will be well with the world.

They held a parade and rally for the Colts yesterday and as awesomely kewl as it would have been to have gone to it, it was still only about 5 degrees outside so I stayed home and watched all of the freezy fun on TV. They actually filled to dome to capacity (about 50,00 people) and had to turn away thousands more who couldn't get in. So, it's probably for the best that we didn't go.

I must say, living in a town with the Superbowl championship team is pretty darn kewl. They keep calling themselves World Champions but my world consists of more than just the United States so I'm not going there.

Anyway, I am still surviving on LJ Idol. I hope to post me next contest entry later today or first thing tomorrow.

I hope everything's going well with everyone out there. Love and kisses to you all!


celebration, meetup, friends, happy, party, football

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