Jan 26, 2007 09:40
Update time: We are getting a couch tomorrow! Yea! I'm rather excited. Of course this means I have a lot of work to do tonight to get the living room cleared for it but I will persevere. I'm also really looking forward to next weekend's party. I can't wait to start cooking and having people over. I just love entertaining and now that we will have a couch we will have enough seating to have guests. Yea Guests!
Otherwise things are going well. My glands are still swollen but seem to be a lot less so today. They seem to swell and shrink during the day and be really bad in the morning but today they are much less so. Maybe things are finally healing up. It really only bothers me when I turn my head in certain ways and/or swallow because the swelling mass is pressing against my throat and making it sore. If it's still there next week I'll set up a doctor's appointment. Besides, I need more Cymbalta anyway (I really wish my insurance would cover the damn stuff).
Other than that, things are great. Lots of cleaning in store this weekend and next as well as party prep. I think we're seeing "Gem of the Ocean" Saturday night. Other than that and the couch, not much else is planned for the weekend.
I really hope everyone's doing great out there and has a great weekend. I'll update later if possible.