(no subject)

Jan 03, 2007 13:57

Well, I hope everyone was well during the past week or so. I am now back at work so I can finally update. The trip went well. We took along an audiobook from the library to listen to and it was great. It ran out at the beginning of the trip back so we rented one at Cracker Barrel for the trip back. Both books were great. The one from the library was "Thunderstruck" by Eric Larson ("The Devil in the White City") and the rental was "False Impression" by Jeffrey Archer (if you don't know who that is, go out and read his work).

On the way down we stopped at a Chinese buffet for late lunch/early dinner and got fortune cookies in Engrish. beldar's wasn't so bad (Sudden love takes the longest time to be cured) but mine was priceless (Now is the time to make circles with mints, do not haste any longer).

On the way back we detoured slightly up to Sikeston and ate a late lunch/early dinner at Lambert's Cafe. Now, we have eaten at a "throwed rolls" place before but this one was amazing. The food was incredible. I had the barbequed pork steak and it was incredible. Especially with the "fried pertaters" that were passed around. I really wish this place was closer to us as the food was absolutely amazing.

Anyway, back to the trip. The nephew was enthralled with us and still thinks we are the most awesome people ever. I got his outer jedi robe made in time for Christmas (the rest of the outfit is still being worked on) and he loved it. He couldn't wait to try out the lightsabers and be a jedi himself. He also spent quite a bit of time playing with his new Darth Vader and "Stormstooper" toys (his pronunciation, but considering the 501st members, it fits)/

We spent several days checking out the changes around Little Rock, Conway, Fort Smith and Fayetteville. I got pictures of the Castle in the Fayetteville park and the Dalek in the Fort. We also took lots of other pictures so expect a picture link post soon.

On Tuesday, we went to the Little Rock zoo and found out that they are getting penguins later this year. We also endangered and rescued an animal. It seems that the Sloth Bears have somehow learned to stand up on their hind legs when you raise your arm up. We got some pictures of them doing this and one of the bears fell off the lip of their display into the trench below. He couldn't get out and the other one was very upset so I rushed off to find a zookeeper in order to get the fallen bear out. We then left the area so the zookeepers could work and once the bear had been rescued, they found us and let us know he was OK.

The zoo adventure wore us out quite a bit so we decided to forgo the Memphis trip this time (especially since we wouldn't be able to see heathentim) and break up Fort Smith & Fayetteville into two separate days. I'm really glad we did as we didn't get to do nearly everything I wanted to do in the Fort and barely made a dent in Fayetteville. I'm thinking we're going to have to do an overnight trip next time in order to get everything done.

Anyway, I was really happy with the trip because beldar's family was so incredibly wonderful. I can't remember the last time we had such a great visit. I really hope it won't be quite so long before we wander back down there again.

I know there are more things I would like to post but I really need to get back to work now. Our system has been down all morning and it should be back up any minute. Expect more tomorrow.


zoo, holiday, engrish, food, costumes, travel, happiness, nephew, links, books

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