(no subject)

Nov 14, 2006 07:17

I'd like to quickly say Happy Birthday

I hope you're doing well over there in Germany and you have a great birthday.

Well, last night's dinner was fun. As usual, 
beldarwas running late so we didn't make it to Golden Corral until almost 6PM. However, the line was starting to snake around the side of the building (already out the door and down the front). We waited in the cold for what seemed like forever but was at least a half an hour (I was really hungry) and finally got a table. They seated us at a four-top and we offered to share (which is really half the fun of this) but nobody was seated with us until right before we were about to leave. We eneded up staying a while and talking to the guys who were seated with us though. They were fun. One served in India and China during WW2 and the other was a veteran of Korea. They had some great stories and we talked about some other things. I met one of
beldar's classmates who it ended up was seated at the table next to us and a great time was had by all.

Well, that's about it for now. More later if possible.


birthday, weather, nostalgia, veteran's day, food, beldar

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