(no subject)

Oct 30, 2006 17:52

Hello all! Well, I successfully survived the weekend. The show Friday night ("Death and the Maiden") was fantastic. I adored it and if you are in the area and can make it to their performances next week, you really should.

Saturday was intense and fun filled. We got up that morning and went to see a sneak preview of "Flushed Away". This movie was really cute and I find myself enjoying it more in retrospect. While I was watching it I felt myself bored at times but the funny parts were ample and worth revisiting. Just suffice it to say that the slugs steal almost every scene they are in. We were also amused by the song credit of "That's Not Rice You're Eating".

Since the show was at the Circle Center mall downtown, we spent a few minutes shopping and looking for the Arkansas contingent of the FFA. We never did see any of them but saw a lot of kids from a lot of other states (their state name is on the back of their jackets). Anyway, after this we went back home and hurried over to the Irvington Fall Festival. That was a ball. The weather was nice but the wind was overly strong. It kept blowing the booths away. We got to see The Blue Monkey Sideshow and had a great time talking with the guys afterwards (Mojo wasn't there so we didn't get "It's 2:30 and the meathooks are in"). We also got to see the parade and had a great time seeing all of the kids & dogs in costume (the winner of the doggie contest was dressed as a cheerleader complete with paw-poms).

That evening we went to the local coffeehouse and got to meet Edgar Allen Poe and listen to him recite some of his stories and poems. While we were waiting for the show to start, we ran into some guys from a band that was playing nearby and ended up catching the end of their set later. They were kind of like the Thickets except their songs were about horror in general and not just Lovecraft. They were really great though.

After all of that, we went home and relaxed and went to bed.

Since it was the weekend and we could sleep in we of course, woke before dawn & couldn't get to sleep. Since we were up early, we went ahead and went to the early service at church. Afterwards we found out we still don't know when we are getting the sofa. We are still hung up on the whole transportation issue (anyone out there got a truck we could borrow? - we'll pay you gas & possibly food & beer for it's use). Hopefully, we can get it before Thanksgiving.

Anyway, after church we came home and watched stuff on the DVR. We finally got caught up on "Supernatural" and most of our other shows. I think "Dexter" is the only thing we are behind on. I must say that I am so enamored of the show "Heroes". I can't imagine how it could be any better.

We tried the other two Jones soda flavors we had bought. The Creepy Cranberry soda was deliciously sweet and tasty and the Monster Mojito was a little too tart at first but got sweeter and more even-flavored as you drank it down (like a real mojito).

Tonight we've got to attend the Publishing ministry meeting at church and afterwards get some candy for tomorrow. I'm so excited that we're going to have Trick-or-Treaters this year. I just wish we could have been able to decorate the house for them. I can't wait until next year though.

Well, I guess that's it for me for today.


music, weather, friends, fall, happiness, tv, appearances, concert review, books, found pearl, author, theater, concert, neighborhood, church, funny, play review, holiday, food, costumes, convention, halloween, movie review, bands, animals

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