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Jun 18, 2005 23:19

Ever feel like never posting even when you have some things to say? Yeah, we've all been there. Continuing from my last post, I'll try to get up to speed.

Some more May.

May 7th, Saturday: I talked to Drew eariler, and discussed what music Campbell could possibly listen to do... like Chucky Berry. "My Ding-a-ling" is a sure riot and quite possibily a Campbell favorite.

May 8th, Sunday:

May 9th, Monday:

May 10th, Tuesday

May 11th, Wednesday: Uncle Merele and Aunt Diane came over. Diane went into the house to chat up with Grams. Merele and I mowed the yard and the neighbor's yard. When our neighbor came out to thank us, Diane took the cash she was going to give one of us. Merele didn't want it... and well, being the poor college student, I would liked to have had half. Nope, sorry. No money for me.

May 12th, Thursday

May 13th, Friday

May 14th, Saturday

May 15th, Sunday: So its early afternoon, and already we have -visitors-. It's that one lady that keep grams on the phone for hours at a time.

May 16th, Monday: I got on the horn and called AOL's cancellation dept. I really have the system down. They offer you the 24.95 /month deal, and when you say no, they offer you to pledge your loyality for 12 months where the charge is now 14 a month. Pretty slick of them, right? Well, I thought it was all about Charisma and diplomacy, I really believe that they have a system installed with their representatives. When you talk a certain way and say certain things, you slide into a category of people which triggers a certain response. Basically, if you really WANT to CANCEL your account, they'll credit you with 1 free month to change your mind. Simple. But before I got on the horn, I watched

May 17th, Tuesday: Gramps was working outside and wore himself out on the ladder trying to repair a part of the house in which there was a hole in the corer of part of the roof of the sunporch. A bird had made its nest in the space, through the hole. Now, you know how I said gramps was tired? Yeah, he wanted to mow the yard. Like, Lord, gimme strength. That was not a good idea. So strength came through and I mowed all of the front yard, the sides of the house, the back of the garage, around the flower garden and a section along the other neighbor's fense with a PUSH-MOWER. This took about half an hour. We have a good amount of land. I looked at my watch for timing. Holy cow. I was tired. It was like... go back to bed, you're done. Grams got pizza, and I ate, like a lot. Tonight's Tuesday night, and there was nothing good on, so completed one of my projects. Huzzah. Also, cold pizza and talking to Laura. She's a brave one to be living with a Ghost.

May 27-28-29 Friday Morning my grandma, my mother and myself went to Cincinnati to see my really sick great aunt, Francis.

May 30, Monday [Memorial Day] : It was one of those days where you don't want to go anywhere or see anyone. However, I did go to the basement table and started drawing again. It was good to get back into the drawing feel.
May 31, Tuesday:

And some June
June 1, Wendesday:
June 2, Thursday:
June 3, Friday:
June 4, Saturday: We got a bill in the mail from the Septic Services gramps hired the one day we wanted me to help him dig the ground above the septic tank. They charged 130 dollars for pumping and everything.

June 5, Sunday: Holy cow it rained this evening. Tornados and T-storm warning were flashing on the TV like the whole world was going to explode and really really melt away because of a little rain.
June 6, Monday: I didn't go to bed again. During the night I touched on a couple projects I wanted to get a little progress in, and yes, some progress was made. The Torrent download of the Tales of Eternia Anime has made some progress, but not by much. I got 1% more, but on a comparative scale, that's saying a lot.

June 7, Tuesday: I helped out today with a couple chores. Tomorrow, we plan to put in the air conditioner in the living room window.

June 8, Wednesday: I put in the air conditioner. Whooptee. Between 10 and 10:30A, I mowed the front yard. The mower puttered for a while, and then grandma told me it was too hot and dry to mow the yard.
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