Song Series: Joseph

Dec 15, 2010 17:30

Jesus Walks by Kanye West

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God show me the way because the Devil trying to break me down
(Jesus Walks with me)
Joseph's never exactly been a religious type, but this song still makes me think of him. It's not particularly religious either, despite the hook, but does acknowledge those higher powers that exist. When I listen to it, I think of it more (from Joseph's perspective) as a plea: Jesus, walk with me. He can't doubt the higher power that is, nor the lineage of prophets he falls into. With his history of addiction and the mess his life was in before he met Lilith, he is constantly in a battle against his inner demons to fulfill the task set before him.

I want to talk to God but I'm afraid because we ain't spoke in so long
The hardest part about being a prophet is that Joseph is insecure in his position. He's supposed to be a conduit for the word of God, a desperately needed one since the betrayal and demise of the Messenger. But he's almost afraid to try and open himself to Divine inspiration, still feeling that he's not worthy of it. It is his biggest obstacle, leaving him frustrated and depressed.
I ain't here to argue about his facial features
Or here to convert atheists into believers
These lyrics always remind me of Joseph's mindset: he's not here to proselytize, but is meant to simply confirm the necessity of God in the world. He himself had no faith until it was thrown into his lap, and he still has moments when he doubts the reality of his situation. But he understands that it's about the bigger picture - the survival of Creation - and that the actual religious view doesn't really matter.

character: joseph harding, posting: character exploration, format: music

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