Pictures Worth the Several Thousands of Words I'm Overdue to Write

Feb 06, 2008 18:15

All right, folks, here's  the scoop: Liz is feeling kinda down tonight, so I've compiled a bunch of random (some may even goes as far to say zany) internet photos to perhaps bring a smile to her face. As a nifty little bonus, it gives me an excuse to post in this woefully neglected LJ about something that doesn't completely embody how much of an unemployed deadbeat I am. Perk #3 is that you, the viewers at home, get to share in the hilarity in the same way that Bob Saget once did with the TV-watching public oh so many moons ago.

For starters, I thought we'd keep it simple. Here's a kitten being eaten by a pumpkin.

Keeping with the animal theme, let's turn our attention to dogs for a moment:

And as we all know, nothing incites laughter more efficiently than watching people drink pee.

And now, a message from our sponsers.

That's right, I'm sponsered by Vagina. (And you can too!)

I've always wondered what the expression "The writing's on the wall" meant. Apparently, it means this:

Finally, I've saved the absolute best for last. No explanation required. Enjoy.

That's all for now, folks. Liz, I hope you had a thigh-slapping good time with this... all I want to do is make you smile.

As for the rest of you, I hope to give you much more frequent entries in the future. Until such time as I post again, stay classy...or Hitler will steal your seat (GOD, that's gold!)
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