Waking Nightmares

Jan 07, 2010 21:31

One of my quirks is that I can go on auto-pilot when waking up - a habit I formed from waking up at ungodly hours of the day (or night) to go to school or work. While still very groggy from sleep, I end up taking a bath, putting on my clothes, eating, brushing my teeth, and even traveling from my house to my destination all in a haze. I often find myself fully awake halfway through my trip - or in the midst of eating my breakfast.

A drawback of this is that, sometimes, I "wake up" from a dream and not realize that I'm not yet awake. Since waking up is such a hazy area for me in the first place, the whole matter becomes weird when I wake up from one dream into another.

I had a nightmare tonight where, upon waking up, I went to the bathroom, and as I was washing my face, I noticed that there was something like a face on a bath sponge/brush on a stick hanging by the wall. As I turned away from it to check in the mirror, I realized that its reflection in the mirror was directly looking at me! I freaked out, and my mother went into the bathroom wondering what all the ruckus was about, and I realized that my jaw was stuck close. The only thing I could mutter was "Brush". I fell on the floor, and then the brush fell beside me, and the face was now looking at me.

And smiling.

I woke up from this dream, freaking out. I immediately told a friend who was sitting on my bed that I had a nightmare. I was concentrating on fixing my bed while she helped me out, when I realized that my room was locked, and I was all alone when I fell asleep.

I turned to look at my friend.

She had no face.

I woke up, for real, and freaked out, for real. Thankfully I was all alone when I woke up, and there was no sponges with faces in the bathroom.


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