Over the seas

Apr 13, 2011 22:20

Another post from over the seas, back in England for ten days! My nephew was due as visit, last time I saw him was a couple of days after he was born and he's now six (almost seven) weeks! He's not fair off 15lbs which for a six week old is huge! Definately going to take after his parents in that department. For those of you who don't know my sister (his mum) is tall, as is my older brother yet I am at that awkwardly short height that makes anything on the top shelf of a cupboard out of bounds unless someone taller to reach it for me!

A little while back I promised a photo (ok, so it was a long while!) of my hair since its all been chopped at and lightened, though its lighter than the photo shows its the most up to date photo I have, short of some snapshots from the day me and my mum and nan spent painting her newly built bungalow... I'm afraid the lack of any make up and the paint splatters are preventing those from being uploaded. So all in all its been a busy trip! I spent a few days in Northampton at my sisters with her and little'en earlier on in the week and could not believe how knackering it is to have a baby, I expected it to be hard but my god its this constant, unescapable task! I really have a new respect for all mothers out there. I'm afraid to admit I was one of those girls who would at least think 'Why is she ignoring that deafening crying?!' if a child was screaming while they were out shopping or 'What on earth is she doing out on new years when she has a new baby at home?!' I can REALLY understand. James cries just entering a shop (Clearly he's not my child!) really you can be out walking for ages nicely then the second you enter ANY shop he screams the place down. This makes me sound like I don't adore him, I do, he is wonderful and after a day without him I'm desperate to have him around again but it is hard, very.

I'll upload a cute little photo of him (Don't worry I won't spam the journal with them - though it is tempting!) once I find my camera lead. I know I use that excuse a lot when it comes to uploading photos to my entries but truly I am that clumsy and forgetful, I really do lose it once a week. Its worse at the moment as we've just moved, I'm flying back and forth from Norway to England, baking constantly, going to the gym (SHOCK,HORROR!) and redecorating (slowly...)

True to my English form, I'm off to make some tea! Just wanted to leap on here quickly and update you on my whereabouts as yet again I am slacking when it comes to the entries! I'm hoping to let you all in on our new house soonish, once Im at the point where I can take 'before and after' photos :) Hope you are all well.

english, tea, finnish lapphund, norway, england

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