Firstly I hope you all had a great Christmas and will have a wonderful New year. I fear my new year will perhaps not be as wonderful - A few days after my previous post (You know where I was saying how ill prepared for winter I was and talking about my gripless shoes from River Island that I was being stubborn and wearing even though they weren't at all suitable...) I feel down a very large non-carpeted flight of stairs! Backwards... I did two backwards rolls down them... Ironically I slipped right at the top, wearing ..You guessed it, those freaking River Island shoes! I really hurt myself and have backache from hell but luckily nothing got broken. I just about managed to hop around the airport the next day with Stian to fly back to England.
Aside from battling the injuries Christmas was incredible, I got everything I asked for and more (Included a black Wii from Stian which I'd been pestering about for months!) We played lots of board games and had a go at my dads new kinect (I must say for someone who was limping along I didn't do too badly!) Stian also got everything he asked for and more as it was his first big Christmas (we have about 12 people there Christmas day in England whereas he has 3-4) I decided to spoil him and get him several games, a ps3 steering wheel, some clothes, all the heros set on blue-ray and an ipod nano. We did the stocking stuff too and it was all lots of fun! Looking back over the year lots and lots has happened, close family members battling illness, my Sisters wedding, my sisters pregnancy, my parents digging themselves out of the rut they were in financially, me moving to Norway, getting Teddy so,so many changes! All for the best. I've felt really lucky over this Christmas.
The merriness stopped when we got back home though. The landlord told us to boost our heating this month to get rid of the damp across his wall so we did it in agreement that he would cover the extra cost as we simply cannot afford over Christmas to have the heating at 30'c he agreed but alas has 'changed his mind' he thinks taking 100 of the rent was doing us a favor! Our electric bill will be up around 400 pounds... maybe just 300 if we are lucky but still thats 7-800 for two months! Ridiculous! Then we picked up Teddy... Who caught not one but two infections at his trip to the kennel. He got a scratch on his eye which got really bad, the vet has given him a couple of shots and antibiotics and eyedrops but if they had treated it earlier it would have been no where near as bad! He struggles to open it currently. For the price we paid for that luxury kennel I expected much better! And today, today I have caught the flu...