Jun 04, 2004 16:51
So I'm grajatatin' tonight. I'm sure it'll be long and boring like it is ever year, but that can't be helped. So I guess this is supposed to feel like the end of an era, but it doesn't. Maybe it just hasn't sunk in yet, or maybe it's just not as important to me as some people think it should be.
Maybe it's the fact that I coasted through high school, or that I just don't care. High school just isn't that important to me. And sure, I'll be leaving a lot of friends behind, but I'm not going far away. Maybe that's it. But I probably won't even see a lot of my friends U of M next year, let alone the ones that aren't going to Michigan. I don't know.
But maybe I will start to feel like I'm going to miss high school. Really only time will time will tell. So that's what's up with me. What's up with you?