Jun 02, 2004 22:56
Sleeping in until one o'clock is great. I recommend you try it at least once this summer. However, when you sleep in too much (and I know I sound like an old man when I say it), you feel like you're sleeping the day away.
I know sleep is possibly the greatest thing to do, but if you sleep too much, you waste a lot of valuable time. Usually I can't even get my day started until an hour after I get up. So I didn't really get started until 2:00 p.m. in the afternoon today. So I basically missed the first two meals of the day, and wasted a lot of time I could have used to hang out with my friends or something.
So the moral of the story is, there is such a thing as sleeping too much. I never get around to things during the day that I really should. And after about 8:00 I can't really do any work anyway, because that's my time to just sit and relax. So, I really need to either get in bed earlier, or just sleep less. So learn from my mistakes. Don't be like me. Be like Bill Brasky. He's the father of every kid in this town.