The week that was

Jan 18, 2009 16:21

Week 1 of the Winter semester is over. Finally got to the Southfield campus, once only for half an hour thanks to the weather. Good god it is tiny, smaller then Royal Oak. Think about it like this; take Royal Oak, take off at least two buildings, and you'll have the Southfield campus. As I've been telling everyone I paid way to much for my books this semester. Only taking three classes I ended up with $600 bill for the books. What the fuck bookstore, I shall see you fall before me!! Also, 70's safety films are hilarious, not like today's horrifying ones (you have been warned again). I guess these days they want to drive home the point that chemicals will really fuck you up given the chance.

I guess I was wrong with Waltz with Bashir, turns out Michigan will see a wider release of it this week (if they Detroit Free Press is to be believed). Hopefully I'll be able to catch it. Here's the trailer in case you missed it, I lamented about it in an earlier post.

Got called in the other day for a job offer to work at the Holiday Inn on Rochester Ct, running a shift at the front desk from 3 PM to 11 PM. It seems like a pretty solid job, good pay, but those hours. The times I'm putting in for would have me on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, so it would pretty much destroy my weekend. I don't know how I feel about that, but I am desperate for a job, seeing as how I'm down to about $14 in my checking account.

Had to look after my niece Hailey on Friday, well at least till 11 AM, because her daycare closed for some reason. Turns out it closed because the schools in the area had a snow day. Well that's nice and all...BUT THEY AREN'T FUCKING AFFECTED BY THE SCHOOLS IN THE AREA!! I didn't mind, well I did a little because I had to wake up at 8, but it was more boring then anything.

Looking forward to MLK Jr. Day tomorrow. Sleeping in and doing homework, plus killing zombies in Left 4 Dead thanks to Hollywood video. Best part, no one else has it off. All alone until 5 PM. Also, Powerpuff Girls marathon, with a new episode later in the day.

From Pen Ward, the man that gave us Adventure Time, comes....THE BRAVEST WARRIORS!!!
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