(no subject)

Sep 18, 2011 18:34

There was one thing about this particular stretch of strangeness that Amy Pond knew without a doubt: it was extraordinarily cool. There was no use in arguing with her about the details, about how waking up being capable of doing something that you couldn’t do the day before might be alarming more than anything else. That wasn’t the point. The point was that it was fantastic, even during the moments when she had been more than a bit scared. Although it had been alarming when she accidentally made herself invisible, followed by a near-blinding experience when she tried to reverse it. Yeah, that had been rather terrible. Of course, when compared to a battle between characters from a Japanese horror flick it was downright tame.

Standing on the beach, she almost felt out of place without a costume or something barmy like that to go with her new-found powers. Wiggling her fingers and watching the little rays of multicoloured light twist around them, she looked at Buffy and grinned. “I sort of feel like we should be done up in spandex or something like that. What do you reckon?”

It was easy enough for Buffy to share Amy’s enthusiasm - like anyone, she had a tendency to become distracted and entranced by all things shiny and colorful - but she hardly felt the same about her own power. Her feelings might be different if she had any control over which songs played when, but until she learned to control her own emotions, it was anyone’s guess what shape and sound her personal soundtrack might take next. Plus, had proved useless in the fight against Godzilla and that giant bee thingy, in which she had been able to contribute little more than a few arrows struck off-target and a score befitting a summer blockbuster flick. “The spandex thing is way passé,” said Buffy, “Which, in grossly outdated lingo, translates roughly into ‘I’ve had more than my share of embarrassment for the day.’ Plus, what would my costume be? A big foam eighth note? A paper dress fashioned out of sheet music?

- Actually, that last one sounded kind of awesome.”

The two girls were seated in the sand, their silhouettes imposed against the backdrop of the fading afternoon sun, both stark and vague for any looking in from afar. They were huddled around a pile of dry sticks which stubbornly refused to flourish into the small fire they required. Perhaps their combined powers wouldn’t make the most threatening of superhero team, but they could give others a run for coolest; with Amy’s light and Buffy’s sound, they had decided to put on an impromptu light show out on the beach.

“I like the paper dress idea. That could be fun. I’d have to be coated in glitter. Like a giant human disco ball.” Which come to think it might actually be more appropriate than a lot of other things that had been going on. Pointing to the fire, Amy wiggled her fingers and tried to coax it into a bigger flame than it was. All it managed to do was change colours.

“Damn. I can make lasers come out of my fingers, but put me next to a fire and I’m near useless. But at least the soundtrack is good, eh?” Giving her fingers another wiggle, she pointed to the sky and caused a tiny sparkling silent firework to pop out. “Nice way to end the day. Battles aside.”

[ooc: super-powered beach bonfire! tag order goes your pup-Amy-Buffy. ST/LT welcome]

amy pond, buffy summers, rory williams, sean cassidy, steve mcgarrett

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