Running along the beach on the island wasn't like it was back home. Growing up in a city, Sam still wasn't used to the lack of lights on the island. There were always lights and sounds in a city and while the island wasn't as deserted or silent as you might initially expect, it wasn't a city. By the time the sun went down, it could get dark,
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Bob was clearly in a mood, which was probably why he'd been chasing the bat all over. When he got it into his head to be like this, it was all Bart could do to keep people from attacking the little guy in blind panic. Something that big just deciding to swoop down on you definitely took getting used to, and he still got scratches and bruises now and then from the force. He didn't know what that would be like for whoever Bob had decided was his new best friend.
And he'd definitely found one of those, Bart saw, suppressing a groan as the Malayan Flying Fox that was supposed to be his pet took a few rapid flaps up than dove back into the trees and out of his immediate sight, making a beeline for some poor target.
He caught it just out of the corner of his eye, a shadow that didn't quite fit in with the night sky. Yelling in terror, he ran into the water and dove into the waves.
"Damn it, Bob!"
"I think you owe me a new shirt," Bart said, trying to unwrap Bob's wings so he could get more comfortable.
To the bat, he simply said, "I thought I told you to stay in sight. Bad Bob." And then he tapped the animal on his nose. "Scaring people is bad."
"And he probably just doesn't realize while he can see fine right now other people can't."
"Couldn't he crap more than half an ounce? Maybe he was just a little off, bowel wise that day."
"And yeah, I think people probably leave food out for him."
He absently scratched Bob's coarse fur, then looked at Sam. "So, what were you up to before your impromptu bath?"
"And I was considering a swim anyways, so it's not that big of a deal."
"It was something I had to learn, because being fast isn't just about the speed. Like I can't take a turn as sharply on my right knee as my left because of the endoprosthesis. Planning, pacing, knowing how to judge the ground, those are pretty important skills. I'm still not entirely sure if I should consider booby-traps. I'll have to see what kind of students I get."
"And actually booby-traps sound pretty fun. I'd probably be more likely to take the course if it had booby traps."
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