It seemed like it had been so long since George was in a good mood that he'd almost forgotten what it felt like. For over a month now, it seemed as though there had always been a cloud over him, weighing him down with guilt. Of course none of it was his fault; no one could really be blamed for the way the island brought people and took them away,
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It becomes clear near-instantly that it's not Rudge. It's not Rudge and Scripps has been eating here with deep fascination over the differences. He almost feels like he ought to have a ticket in hand for this sort of entertainment.
He hadn't noticed at first, what with how preoccupied he'd been-- first with preparing dinner, then with about a million other little things just afterward-- but after a while, it had become incredibly obvious. To the boy's credit, at least, he hadn't been glaringly noticeable, but it was still more than a bit weird.
"Is-- is everything alright?" he finally asked, figuring that it was best to confront the problem head-on. He didn't want to end up with another Percy situation on his hands, after all.
"Okay. War and Peace," he said, under his breath. It was never the normal ones who came in during his shift, was it?
"Do you-- do you speak any English? Parlez-vous anglais?"
"George Sands." He shakes Scripps's hand anyway, despite the awkwardness.
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