July 3rd-15th, 2011:
Rapture was her salvation, her true home where there were no limits, no rules, no oversight. She was able to indulge in pure science with no restraints. She found ADAM. ADAM was the key, the Rosetta stone to all genetics, unlocking ideas and concepts no scientist before had ever conceived. And once she had secured funding, regardless of the source, there were no more limits to bar her genius, nothing to stop her from creation, exploration and experimentation. Instead of debate and hesitation, her ideas were met with joy and encouragement, further funding, more support, and no one ever said, "Stop. Think. Reconsider."
Until she did. Until the glowing eyes of a child made her pause. But by then it was too late.
Once upon a time, Brigid Tenenbaum was the toast of Rapture, the mother of ADAM, but she turned away from it all. Now she hides in the darkness, keeping her secrets and holding to her own plans.
Those who seek answers may wish they hadn't.
[Please see
THIS POST for more details.]
HERE | Open & Ongoing | Rating: PG-13]