May 26, 2010 00:17
Cable still wasn't much of a fan of reading but needs must he supposed. If his choice was between reading and not having any access to new information, well that was no choice at all. As a result Cable had been spending a lot of his spare time studying reading various histories of various Earths. It was incredibly interesting what seemed to be constants against what seemed to be variables. World War 2, for instance almost always seemed to have occurred, but ended in all sorts of ways from a Nazi victory to an Allied Victory or, as in his own world, merely a slow in hostilities as the german exiles took time to regroup. As much as he chafed under his imprisonment on this island he couldn't deny that its resources were eye opening even if he wasn't sure they were trustworthy.
In the time-line that he was currently reading about, for instance France were the aggressors and Germany were still a monarchy and yet the war still happened in a recognizable form. If reliable then that surely pointed towards a tendency towards a concurrence in time-lines that was more than coincidental. He dropped his book, for a moment, as he thought about the implications of that and shot a look towards his dog, Zero, who was lounging about near by, looking expectant.
"Here," he said as he stood up and picked up a stick and threw it full force towards the sea. Zero who had apparently recovered from their earlier hunting expedition ran after it and Cable lied back down on the sand and picked up to his book again. After a morning of training and hunting he could do with something more relaxing, and while that ideally meant a massage, lying around in the sun and reading wasn't too bad an alternative. He'd even gone to the trouble of wearing swim shorts in case he offended anybody.
Unfortunately his dreams of a peaceful afternoon didn't last long as Zero came hurtling back towards him, dropped the stick at his feet, and then instead of flopping down beside him, to have his head scratched, ran straight past, barking excitedly.
Which meant Cable wasn't alone any more. Great.
"Don't worry. He won't attack you," he shouted without moving, because he figured you could do with that sort of warning when confronted with an Irish Wolfhound the size of a small pony. And then, because he was Cable, he couldn't resist adding as he turned a page in his book. "Unless I tell him to."
jean grey,
theresa cassidy,
layla miller