May 05, 2010 01:12
So little had actually happened in the past month, but as far as Terry's concerned, it's more than enough. Between losing her voice and Wade showing up, she could use a few weeks of quiet. Thanks to the latter, though, she doesn't believe that will ever happen. The last thing her life is ever going to be is boring, with Wade around. Vaguely, Terry wonders if she and Cable are going to have to trade Keep Wade From Killing People duties. It'll more than likely be the case, and just thinking about it gives her a headache. But it's still something she'll willingly do, because despite...everything, he's still a friend. A good one.
Work is always a suitable answer when Terry needs to clear her mind, thankfully, and she spends more time in the garden through the morning than she usually would any other day. There's a busy rhythm to working in the garden that she enjoys, and by the time she heads back into the compound, her mind is clear.
She's got dirt smudged all over her face and has to kick her boots off before entering the compound, but she isn't worrying about Wade, isn't trying to figure out what Brad's been edgy about for a while now (though that, probably can be linked to Nate), and she doesn't walk toward the Hub only to walk away at the last second.
There are still the vegetables to rinse off and store away, but Terry just drops the basket near the sink and starts in on it. She could use a good shower later, but for now, she just quietly sings to herself, her voice just barely carrying over the sound of the faucet.
rahne sinclair,
sean cassidy,
jamie madrox,
annie sawyer,
theresa cassidy,
brad colbert,
niko leandros,
ray person,
dr. remy hadley,
zell dincht