(no subject)

Feb 24, 2010 03:38

It was nearing the two week mark now, and Ellie was only now starting to feel a little closer to normal than before. Sure, she was fairly certain she was running on empty in terms of sleep, but she'd expected that. How sore she had been, on the other hand, had been a little worse than she could have imagined. It was healing day by day, and that alone made everything better.

Madeline was proving to be an interesting little baby. She slept a lot of the time, though in increments that were just short enough to keep Ellie from doing more than having naps around the baby's schedule. When she was awake, she seemed to take everything in her line of sight in, alert to every sound around her. She had already learned the fine art of fussing, though it usually didn't last too long, as even that tired her out.

She was up for the second time that day, and Ellie decided she'd use the opportunity to take her outside to get them both some needed fresh air. After feeding her, she dressed her up in her (third) outfit of the morning - she had an uncanny ability to get her spit up all over herself, put a little sunscreen on her, and left the hut.

She didn't go too far, setting up a nice little spot in the sand to sit with her cradled in her arms. She was already looking up at the bright blue morning sky, seemingly fascinated by the sudden change in scenery. She smiled as she got settled in.

"Do you see the birdies, Madeline?" she asked, noticing one of the seagulls flying overhead. Their cries had obviously caught her attention for the moment, though her eyes shifted to look up right at her when she spoke. "She knew her daughter had no idea what she was saying, but that didn't stop her from talking. That's right, those are seagulls. There's even prettier birds here, too."

Madeline made a tiny 'ah' sound as she turned her head enough that she was staring straight up again, and even that tiny noise made Ellie smile. It was hard not to find just about everything she did adorable.

[OOC: Never a bad time to meet her (and little Madeline, too!). Timed to late morning.]

dr. izzie stevens, karen brockman, sean cassidy, matt farrell, dr. ellie woodcomb, dr. meredith grey, lady sybil ramkin-vimes, devon woodcomb

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