i am a spirit of no common rate ; summer still doth tend upon my state

Jul 07, 2009 20:12

The sun went down late on Tabula Rasa, and so the sky had barely begun to slide from blue into the pink and orange of sunset when people began to gather in the clearing once more. The mud pit had dried out, the tables moved to one side, more torches placed around the stage that now drew the eye of everyone standing in its shadow.

The dimming light illuminated their features as they gathered, shaggy-legged satyrs, sylphs with gossamer wings, beasts and beauties from every world the island had culled from, and some it hadn't, no doubt. They milled about at first; food and drink were plentiful, and soon the air was full of sound, an ethereal flute, a drum, the voices of half a hundred guests raised in joyful cacophony. I moved among them at first, one woodland sprite among many, clad in ribbons and vined flowers from my garden, the seven-pointed star of Elua still painted on my cheek.

After an hour or so, the music dropped away, the drum beat slow and steady as we moved toward the stage. The talk fell silent as well, and we took up our places before our thrones in a reverent hush. When we were satisfied we had their attention, our adoring subjects, our kings stepped forward to address them. Lithe and dark, the first had a grave echo to his voice; tall and fair, the second was fairly laughing as he spoke. With their welcome the party officially began, and we dispersed among them again, ready to make our mischief.

[this post is NOT for pup top levels-- this is only for court-related mischief. there will be a top-level comment from a court pup for each of the fairy court's hijinks-- mock-marriages, etc-- that a court pup will link your pup to from the other post. see the planning post in slated for more info. however, pups can tag at will into the threads for fireworks, circle dancing and bonfire jumping.]

lloyd henreid, xander harris, serena van der woodsen, brooke davis, riku, saffron, anatoly sergievsky, george weasley, violet baudelaire, ophelia, jaye tyler, lyra belacqua, roxas, bridge carson, gathering, cole porter, phedre no delaunay, dr. remy hadley, vala mal doran, arya stark, cuthbert allgood, guy burgess, william bush, lex luthor, alain johns, bill weasley, fred weasley, cassie sandsmark, alianne, zell dincht

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