
Jun 01, 2009 20:27

Two women stood in the dappled sunlight of the archery field, looking like night and day. At first glance, the only thing they seemed to have in common was an interest in shooting at the targets at the far end of the field. One was blonde, the other dark-haired, and their clothing also differed in style and era. The bows each used were nearly ( Read more... )

lyra belacqua, surreal sadiablo, sonya blade-hasashi, garak, richard winters, zell dincht

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Surreal simpletailor June 2 2009, 05:21:00 UTC
Garak was not normally found anywhere near the archery butts since he had little to no faith that he would not be hit either by someone with limited proficiency or someone with too much proficiency, but today he was in the vicinity. There were a few plants that might serve as dye sources near the field, and that did interest him. He wasn't at all convinced that the box on the lower level would continue to provide decent fabric and had decided he ought to explore creating his own. It was primitive work, but he was in a primitive place.

He noticed Surreal and another woman at a somewhat close distance from the actual archery field due to the foliage surrounding it. Both of them looked extremely dangerous thanks to the bows in their hands, although the musculature on both of them did suggest that they would be dangerous without it as well. It would more than likely be too obvious for him to step away at this point and so he continued, wearing a tunic that, as usual, padded his torso just enough to disguise whatever musculature (or other objects) he might or might not possess.

He paused on the edge of the field and offered Surreal a small courteous nod when she paused in her archery. He would easily continue on to his destination if she did not acknowledge him, but rudeness was bad for business.


Re: Surreal sadiablo_witch June 2 2009, 16:34:18 UTC
"Garak," Surreal said, returning the nod as she lowered the bow. Her quiver was empty again, the targets tightly feathered with arrows. Her aim had suffered a little, but at least the shafts covered an area that still was smaller than a human.

"Enjoying the view?" she teased lightly.


simpletailor June 3 2009, 00:38:46 UTC
Her aim was not as good as he might have expected it to be given what little he knew of her past, but it was far better than others might have been. He hadn't used that particular weapon himself in quite some time, not since his basic weapons training in the Order, and suspected he would be rather poor at it, though he did not intend to test that suspicion.

"I do find that the environs are quite favorable," he agreed smoothly, which could be taken as a compliment to her or an observation on the flora and fauna that surrounded them. Which interpretation she chose was entirely up to her, but it would be interesting to see what it was.


sadiablo_witch June 4 2009, 20:30:14 UTC
Surreal gave a slow smile at that, just a hint of flirting in it. "I'll admit the flowers are worth it," she purred.

It was always fun to fence words with this particular male, he reminded her a little of Lucivar, or maybe Chaosti, but with all the rough edges smoothed away or hidden behind layers of soft cloth. "Don't you think it's better with someone to share the experience?"


simpletailor June 5 2009, 05:13:49 UTC
She had chosen to find the potential compliment in the statement, at least apparently, and then to take it slightly further. There was no mistaking the purring in her tone, though the flirtation in the smile was quite a bit more subtle. He was inwardly amused at the dichotomy between the two reactions and wondered whether she'd paired them deliberately. More than likely she had. She had shown herself to be adept at such things, which did make conversations rather enjoyable. They also reminded him to keep his guard up at all times, as if he did not already, because this woman was dangerous.

"Indeed. Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, as some say, but no man is an island, as some also say," he replied, smiling with what might have been an acknowledgment of her mild flirtation and parroting the human aphorisms with no indication of whether he believed them to be true.


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