May 06, 2009 14:06
Whistling while he worked, and more than a little bit happy to be feeling like his old self again, Dale printed up the now-familiar notice and tacked it up on the notice board.
The time has once again come to take nominations for our next Island Council. The Island Council consists of fifteen members, ten of whom represent the various professions on the island and five of whom are selected through this general election. The representatives selected in this election will not only help to manage the needs of the island but will also serve as our judicial body.
Any person may make a nomination by writing the nominee's name on the pages accompanying this notice; all nominations require a second to go forward. In order to make the final ballot, the nominee must then collect ten signatures supporting their nomination and present it to the Council by May 19. Any island citizen may run for a position on the Council provided they can pass a basic psychological evaluation to determine that they are fit for office. Nominations will run through May 10.
There will be a community meeting held at the stage on May 20 to enable nominees to give a statement of intent and field any questions the island population might pose.
Voting will be held in the IPD offices from May 26 through May 30. Any resident over the age of 16 is eligible to vote. If you are under the age of 16 and feel you should be allowed to vote, please see the desk clerk in the IPD office for further information on the necessary evaluation; if you already went through this process during a previous election you need not do it again. Voting will be overseen by the IPD and an impartial third party.
The new Council term will begin on June 1.
If you know anyone who may not be able to read this notice, please read or translate for them in order pass this information on.
Thank you for your time and attention.
Beside this notice he pinned up several blank pages and a pencil swinging from a long piece of string.
bulletin board